Planet Zoo Switch Game – TOP Simulator for Nintendo Switch

Featuring a whopping 130 species, this is the greatest zoo building sim out there. Planet Zoo Switch not only lets you breed, grow and take care of animals but also administers the park itself. The creators of this great release put a lot of effort and consideration into it.

Planet Zoo Switch [Ver. 3.1.1]
– Features –

  • NO Jailbreak / Custom Firmware Required
  • Works on both jailbroken and OEM Nintendo Switch devices
  • Runs with OR without SD Card.
  • Playable in TV Mode, Tabletop Mode and Handheld
  • Save Data Cloud (Keep your progress safe)
  • Last Update (Ver. 3.1.1): February 18th

Download Planet Zoo for Nintendo_Switch

Planet Zoo Switch Game

From the behavior of animals to the possibilities of landscaping, everything is here. The AI which controls the fauna assures they act just like in real life. For instance, animals that live in harmony in nature, like the African ones, also live in harmony on the zoo‘s grounds. Just don’t introduce a predator in their mist or chaos ensures.

Planet Zoo

  1. Copy the Planet Zoo_Switch content on your SD card
  2. Install the game on your switch
  3. If online action is required, connect your device to the Internet
  4. Enjoy the game!

Planet Zoo Switch Game

Apart from the animals, you also tend to your visitors’ and staffs’ needs. The former need places to rest, eat and take care of their hygiene just like the latter. In addition, you can imagine and construct beautiful pens for your exhibits. Planet Zoo Switch is a well-thought creation with many minute details taken into account. You will be surprised to find even animal poop from time to time.


  • Category: Simulation games for Switch
  • Age rating: 7+
  • Size: 11 GB
  • Updates System: Up & Running
  • Copyright: Presented exclusively by SwitchGamesFree
  • PLEASE NOTE: This game is FREE to download but requires security verification to prevent spam. Click on the download button and follow the instructions. Thank you!


Download Planet Zoo for Nintendo_Switch

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